Benard Loop

  •  Forestry Tracks  
  •  Green Roads  
  •        Community Centre, Anglesboro, Co. Limerick
Benard Loop Image

Anglesborough is the highest village on the Galtee Mountain range and is rich in history and culture. The trail begins at the village community centre where a plaque can be seen commemorating the strong rebel traditions in the area.

Before turning right for your ascent of Paradise Hill, you'll notice a tall monument standing on the roadside displaying the likeness of Liam Lynch, a commanding general of the Irish Republican Army during the War of Independence. He was born in the nearby townland of Barnagurraha and died in a gunbattle in the Knockmealdown Mountains in Clonmel in 1923.

Climb Paradise Hill by way of an old turf road where locals once used sleds to bring dried turf down from Temple Hill, which looms over walkers on this trail. After turning right to leave the Paradise Hill Loop and continue on the Benard Loop, follow the long section of forestry road where you will be rewarded halfway along by views of Knockaceol (Hill of Music).

Nearest Town/Village: Anglesborough, Mitchelstown

Anglesborough is the highest village on the Galtee Mountain range and is rich in history and culture. The trail begins at the village community centre where a plaque can be seen commemorating the strong rebel traditions in the area.

Before turning right for your ascent of Paradise Hill, you'll notice a tall monument standing on the roadside displaying the likeness of Liam Lynch, a commanding general of the Irish Republican Army during the War of Independence. He was born in the nearby townland of Barnagurraha and died in a gunbattle in the Knockmealdown Mountains in Clonmel in 1923.

Climb Paradise Hill by way of an old turf road where locals once used sleds to bring dried turf down from Temple Hill, which looms over walkers on this trail. After turning right to leave the Paradise Hill Loop and continue on the Benard Loop, follow the long section of forestry road where you will be rewarded halfway along by views of Knockaceol (Hill of Music).

Nearest Town/Village: Anglesborough, Mitchelstown