Boithrín an Mhargaidh Walk

  •  Forestry Roads  
  •  Quiet country roads  
  •  Green Tracks  
  •  Laneways  
  •        Rathgormack Hiking Centre
Boithrín an Mhargaidh Walk Image

Bóithrín an Mhargaidh is a gentle 2.5 kilometre stroll on minor roads with a short section along a grassy path.

Walk Directions From Rathgormack Hiking Centre, turn left (east), and pass the church and road to Carrick. 100 metres later turn right towards the mountain and drink in the splendour of Knockanaffrin Ridge and The Comeragh Plateau. After a further 500 metres the Bóithrín an Mhargaidh boreen on your left offers you a short ramble.

Bóithrín an Mhargaidh is a gentle 2.5 kilometre stroll on minor roads with a short section along a grassy path.

Walk Directions From Rathgormack Hiking Centre, turn left (east), and pass the church and road to Carrick. 100 metres later turn right towards the mountain and drink in the splendour of Knockanaffrin Ridge and The Comeragh Plateau. After a further 500 metres the Bóithrín an Mhargaidh boreen on your left offers you a short ramble.