Mahon Falls Walk

  •  Gravel Path  
  •        Kilrossanty
Mahon Falls Walk Image

Crough Wood Walk: The Crough Wood Walk (5.4kmreturn; linear; moderate; 1.5 to 2 hours) runs along the River Mahon through deciduous woodland, open pasture and conifer forest between the road to Mahon Falls and Mahon Bridge. The woods are an important habitat for a range of wildlife including Red Squirrel, Pine Marten, Otter, Bats, Ring Ouzel and Dipper. The southern section of the trail s panoramic views of Coum Mahon and Knockaunapeebra to the North. There is great diversity of trees such as Ash, Holly and Rowan - particularly attractive in Autumn with their colourful red berries. The flow of the River Mahon varies with the seasons and can be torrential after periods of high rainfall providing a dramatic soundscape along the trail. Mahon Falls Walk: Coum Mahon is one of many coums or corries in the Comeragh Mountains resulting from the Munsterian Ice Age glaciations some 100,000 years ago. Great masses of ice, or glaciers hollowed out the rock as they moved southwards over the Irish landscape. Coum Mahon is the Hollow of the River Mahon and the 300m cascade forms the Mahon Falls. The damp habitat around the boulders and Falls favours plants such as Wilson's Filmy-fern and Fir Clubmoss. Great Wood-rush also occurs in the area. The wider landscape includes moorland, crags and conifer forests, which habitat for birds that nest in uplands and forage around coniferous forest. Look out for the Wheatear, Siskin, Crossbill and Meadow Pipit. Birds of Prey known in the wider Comeragh area include Peregrine Falcon, Buzzard, Kestrel and Merlin. Mammals sighted in the area include rabbit and fox, while forest areas provide habitat for Red Squirrel and the elusive Pine Marten.

Did you know: Mahon Falls is overlooked by Knockaunapeebra (726m) meaning Hill of the Piper. It is said that on cold winter nights, the sound of the uileann pipes can be heard over the mountain here from the piper of Kilclooney who lost his way and died. Remnants of industrial heritage: The River Mahon once powered five mills along its course including the 19th century corn mill at Furraleigh of which a tunnel and chimney remain. Check out the Magic Road phenomenon after you cross the cattle grid as you approach Mahon Falls.

How to get there: Both trailheads are a short drive from Mahon Bridge, which is within easy reach of the N25 from the village of Lemybrien.

Minimum Gear: Walking shoes, rain jacket, water, mobile phone

Crough Wood Walk: The Crough Wood Walk (5.4kmreturn; linear; moderate; 1.5 to 2 hours) runs along the River Mahon through deciduous woodland, open pasture and conifer forest between the road to Mahon Falls and Mahon Bridge. The woods are an important habitat for a range of wildlife including Red Squirrel, Pine Marten, Otter, Bats, Ring Ouzel and Dipper. The southern section of the trail s panoramic views of Coum Mahon and Knockaunapeebra to the North. There is great diversity of trees such as Ash, Holly and Rowan - particularly attractive in Autumn with their colourful red berries. The flow of the River Mahon varies with the seasons and can be torrential after periods of high rainfall providing a dramatic soundscape along the trail. Mahon Falls Walk: Coum Mahon is one of many coums or corries in the Comeragh Mountains resulting from the Munsterian Ice Age glaciations some 100,000 years ago. Great masses of ice, or glaciers hollowed out the rock as they moved southwards over the Irish landscape. Coum Mahon is the Hollow of the River Mahon and the 300m cascade forms the Mahon Falls. The damp habitat around the boulders and Falls favours plants such as Wilson's Filmy-fern and Fir Clubmoss. Great Wood-rush also occurs in the area. The wider landscape includes moorland, crags and conifer forests, which habitat for birds that nest in uplands and forage around coniferous forest. Look out for the Wheatear, Siskin, Crossbill and Meadow Pipit. Birds of Prey known in the wider Comeragh area include Peregrine Falcon, Buzzard, Kestrel and Merlin. Mammals sighted in the area include rabbit and fox, while forest areas provide habitat for Red Squirrel and the elusive Pine Marten.

Did you know: Mahon Falls is overlooked by Knockaunapeebra (726m) meaning Hill of the Piper. It is said that on cold winter nights, the sound of the uileann pipes can be heard over the mountain here from the piper of Kilclooney who lost his way and died. Remnants of industrial heritage: The River Mahon once powered five mills along its course including the 19th century corn mill at Furraleigh of which a tunnel and chimney remain. Check out the Magic Road phenomenon after you cross the cattle grid as you approach Mahon Falls.

How to get there: Both trailheads are a short drive from Mahon Bridge, which is within easy reach of the N25 from the village of Lemybrien.

Minimum Gear: Walking shoes, rain jacket, water, mobile phone