Mallow Bweeng Loop

  •  path  
  •  Offroad  
  •  Forest track  
  •        Bween, Mallow
Mallow Bweeng Loop Image

Where the Duhallow Way enters the forest, north west of the village of Bweeng, proceed up the forest road and, at the next T junction, follow the way-marker to the right, uphill. Continue to follow the direction of the way-markers until you come to an area where the forest road widens, the way-marker points to a left turn at a barrier, and there is another forest barrier in front of you. You leave the way-marked path here and continue on straight through the barrier in front of you. You will see tall masts on Bweeng Duff on your right, visible through the trees.

After approximately 200m, a path to your right will take you up to the masts, from where you can admire breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Return to where you left the track and turn right to descend gradually around the hill of Bweeng Little. At the metal gate, take the hard-right turn down a track, descending further until you meet the start of the tar road, with a house on your left and out-sheds on your right. Note the drain structures on the left where the water pipes are set into stone pillars. Keep right at the next junction and continue on to the crossroads known as ‘Laharn Cross’. Turn right here and continue back to your car.

Where the Duhallow Way enters the forest, north west of the village of Bweeng, proceed up the forest road and, at the next T junction, follow the way-marker to the right, uphill. Continue to follow the direction of the way-markers until you come to an area where the forest road widens, the way-marker points to a left turn at a barrier, and there is another forest barrier in front of you. You leave the way-marked path here and continue on straight through the barrier in front of you. You will see tall masts on Bweeng Duff on your right, visible through the trees.

After approximately 200m, a path to your right will take you up to the masts, from where you can admire breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Return to where you left the track and turn right to descend gradually around the hill of Bweeng Little. At the metal gate, take the hard-right turn down a track, descending further until you meet the start of the tar road, with a house on your left and out-sheds on your right. Note the drain structures on the left where the water pipes are set into stone pillars. Keep right at the next junction and continue on to the crossroads known as ‘Laharn Cross’. Turn right here and continue back to your car.